
Quicklime products for the chemicals, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, food and paper industries


Burnt lime / unslaked lime / white lime / building lime

Finely ground / grading: (0-3 mm) / (3-12 mm)


Redoxcal® products bring you the following benefits:

  • Suitable for a variety of calcium-based chemical processes 
  • High reactivity
  • Tailor-made – quality as per customer request
  • Competent, chemico-technical application advice, including on site


Our standard products:
Redoxcal® 85 / Redoxcal® 90 / Redoxcal® 90 (0-3) / Redoxcal® 90 (3-12)


We customise solutions for you –
contact our sales team for advice!

Calcis Lienen GmbH & Co. KG
Holperdorper Straße 47, 49536 Lienen

Calcis Warstein GmbH & Co. KG
Rangetriftweg 108, 59581 Warstein

Calcis Lienen GmbH & Co. KG
Werk Wettringen, Bilker Str. 30, 48493 Wettringen

Phone +49 5483 7392-0  Fax +49 5483 7392-92  Contact:  Orders: